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135 8971 6663

Manual purification board

Manual purification board

Manual purification board is a purification board formed by manually compounding the box board, keel, core material, etc. after preliminary processing of the box board forming machine and the high component of the glue spraying machine. It has the characteristics of high structural strength, good flatness, and non-standard customization. Widely used in clean spaces with strict cleanliness levels such as pharmaceuticals, aerospace, operating rooms, laboratories, etc.

135 8971 6663

Manual purification board is a purification board formed by manually compounding the box board, keel, core material, etc. after preliminary processing of the box board forming machine and the high component of the glue spraying machine. It has the characteristics of high structural strength, good flatness, and non-standard customization. Widely used in clean spaces with strict cleanliness levels such as pharmaceuticals, aerospace, operating rooms, laboratories, etc.

According to the width type: 980 #, 1180#

According to the form of keel interface, it can be divided into: central manual board, three mother and one formula manual board